Note sull'episodio

Gatos and perros are the pets of yesteryear, Have you considered a SpiderPet?


  1. la enésima is the umpteenth
  2. testaruda is stubborn
  3. alérgico is alergic
  4. la jaula is cage
  5. la tienda de mascotas is pet store
  6. las muñecas de peluche are stuffed animals
  7. peludo is furry
  8. los juguetes are toys
  9. el tamaño is size
  10. temblar is to tremble
  11. la sospecha is suspicion
  12. aplastar is smash
  13. inmóvil is motionless
  14. lobo is wolf
  15. alzó una ceja (alzar) is she raised an eyebrow
  16. una red is a web
  17. las moscas are flies
  18. una hoja is a leaf
  19. horripilante is creepy
  20. asqueada is grossed out

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