
In Our Tin Foil Hat Eras Part 2

The Grimm Mystics di Amber Scribbick & Lesley Gregg

Note sull'episodio

In this week's episode, The Mystics are wrapping up this round of exploration of the Anunnaki 👾 aliens and their connections to the creation of the mankind. While the Gruesome Twosome wrap up a brief run down on some deities of Sumerian mythology; the big question arises... what does the solar eclipse that happened in April 2024 have anything to do with it all? 🌞 Thanks to TikTok (thanks a lot congress for ruining that one 😡) we can clearly see videos of another planet moving around us. Not to mention the scientists at CERN finding it an opportune moment to blast rockets 🚀into the sun during the historical event? WHY? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷‍♀️Also, what about that thing where it's built on ruins that may have been used to worship the Hebrew god of war? 🪖You know the drill, tin foil hat gang assemble!


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conspiracy theoriesconspiracyAnunnaki aliensanunnakiSumerian AnunnakiCERNCERN Conspiracy solar eclipse