BOX FAN SOUNDS - WHITE NOISE | Sleep, Focus, Concentration, Study, Productivity | 8 Hours

The Art Of Tranquility di The Art Of Tranquility

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BOX FAN SOUNDS - WHITE NOISE | Sleep, Focus, Concentration, Study, Productivity | 8 Hours

There are numerous sources of “white noise”, a large spectrum of sound across all audible frequencies. Some of the best sources are rain, the gentle whir of a room fan, radio or television static, a hissing radiator, or the gentle hum of an air conditioner. Use our expertly engineered White Noise sounds for needed relief.

While some would say rain and fan sounds might be closer to pink noise, which has an emphasis on lower frequency ranges, these sounds are very effective for Sleep, Relaxation, Focus, Concentration, Studying, and Productivity Improvement. The Mayo Clinic includes White Noise in its treatments for Tinnitus sufferers, which they say is an effective sleep aid that may help make tinnitus less noticeable at night.

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