How to Increase Speed and Endurance

The RunRX Podcast di Coach Valerie & Coach Caroline

Note sull'episodio

Interested in learning how to improve running speed/endurance? We’ve got you covered!

In this episode, Coaches Valerie and Caroline explain how interval training, hill repeats, proper running form, and overcoming mental barriers can help runners improve their speed and endurance.

Timestamps of big takeaways

How to Improve Running Speed and Endurance

[00:50] Interval training allows you to work the body at a higher level and then rest. Long runs help you build endurance. Coach Caroline asks how this works within the RunRX teachings?

The Benefits of Varied Training for Runners - Interval training and speed workouts

[01:25] Varied training like intervals is key for improvement. Intervals build strength and speed with intense effort followed by rest. Long runs alone won't make you faster. Coaches s ... 

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