Change Agents of South Dakota - The Power of We

di Change Agents of South Dakota

South Dakota is stuck. Continually revisiting concerns that aren’t that concerning to most in our state, while real needs remain unmet. Our smartest and brightest are leaving for greener pastures. We can change that. Welcome to Change Agents, and The Power of We.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 2

  • SD Open Primaries Ballot Initiative

    SD Open Primaries Ballot Initiative

    Rick interviews 3 members of the SDOP Steering Committee about "Top Two" Open Primaries which will be on the ballot this coming November, and how it will change politics in SD for the better.

  • Stagione 1

  • Review: Sioux Falls Community Conversation on Climate and Sustainability Event

    Review: Sioux Falls Community Conversation on Climate and Sustainability Event

    On December 2, 2023, over 200 concerned Sioux Falls voters came together to address the need for a city commitment to address the climate crisis. Frustrated by the recent city government's gutting of a plan organized by the Mayer himself, experts, interacting with attendees, discuss the need and potential solutions to tackle these concerns. Former mayor Rick Knobe is joined by Linda Stensland, the legislator that sponsored south Dakota's recycling policies, business owner John Fiksdal, and long-time community activist, Craig Brown.,

  • Sioux Falls Sustainability Plan Debacle - Revisited

    Sioux Falls Sustainability Plan Debacle - Revisited

    The Mayor likely hopes the Sustainability Plan created through hours of volunteer effort will simply go away. Those who dedicated hours to creating the plan think otherwise.

  • What Happened to Sioux Falls' Sustainability Plan?

    What Happened to Sioux Falls' Sustainability Plan?

    After two years and hundreds of volunteer hours, Sioux Falls mayor Ten Haken gutted the plan intended to move the city forward with an action plan that would save residents millions of dollars and do our part to battle the climate crisis. Rick talks with 2 members of the committees that created the initial plan.

  • Sioux Falls School Board Candidate Dawn Marie Johnson

    Sioux Falls School Board Candidate Dawn Marie Johnson

    Rick Knobe explores Dawn's breadth of experience in dealing with intense and critical concerns facing our schools in today's contentious environment.