Episode 29: The Science Behind the Clairs

Test Tubes and Cauldrons di Astralogical

Note sull'episodio

This week, the hosts explore the concept of ‘clairs’, terms used to differentiate all sorts of diverse psychic experience. From Jainism to Spiritualism, second sight to seances, psychic experiences have been a core tenet of the occult and spirituality for thousands of years. But how well do these historical accounts line up with our modern definition of ‘clairs’, and is there any benefit to viewing these experiences through a scientific lens?

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  • 1998 (dodgy!) meta-analysis assessing studies on clairvoyance and precognition: Steinkamp, F., Milton, J., & Morris, R. L. (1998). A meta-analysis of forced-choice experiments comparing clairvoyance  ... 

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