Our Life Updates

TalkSee Logs di Adrian Cristobal, Elrich Delgado, Austin Tacderan

Note sull'episodio

Yes we're back, after a month long hiatus. We're back with updates what we've been up to since our last break. We discuss our new jobs and how we like it, and the real reasons on why we've been M.I.A. We talk about the current state of COVID and our reactions to vaccinations. We talk about harem preferences, animes that started our obsesssions, and play overrated/underrated with anime shows. If you're still listening after our one month hiatus, thanks for sticking with us. And if you're listening for the first time. welcome to the club. We're live at https://twitch.tv/talkseelogs every thursday at 6:30pm, and our episodes (should) go live the following weekend. Thank you again for supporting us!

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