Feeling Fear without Making it Mean Something

Anxious Attachment Solution: Taking Back Her Brain with Love Life Coach Amber Lynn di Amber Grauer | Certified Life Coach

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Episode 25

Not making our feelings mean something

Hello There and Thank you for joining me today on Episode 25! Today we are going to be talking about the importance of feeling our emotions AND not making them mean something that just isn’t true. Oftentimes our brain has programmed us that if we feel fear, failure, or hesitation it is a “sign” that we are making the wrong decision.

This could be anything, it could be about ending a relationship, changing careers, telling someone no, doing anything that is out of our typical behavior or off our current path. It could be about making investments in yourself.

This could be anything that you choose to do and after you feel a feeling. For me it was my decision to change careers from being a Teacher to being a Life Coach. I had so much fear around am I making the right decision, ... 

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