StreamerGenics What's it Like?Esplicito

di Alex Parker

Being a streamer helped me connect and meet so many different people a crossed the world and in so many ways. I want others to share their experiences in life with my audience to enlighten those who may not know "What it's Like." Our guests will be people from everyday life and they may tell our listeners things that might give you pause! Or maybe you might even relate! Come join the show and get connected with us at Streame ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Why Do Content Creators Burn Out?


    Why Do Content Creators Burn Out?


    In this audio only podcast, I offer up my thoughts on a very important topic every content creator faces. Have you burned out in the past? How did you improve from it? What lessons did you learn?

  • StreamerGenics Guest: Mr6foot7_NBH Gaming


    StreamerGenics Guest: Mr6foot7_NBH Gaming


    In this episode, Shicori Simons AKA Mr6Foot7, shined light on how brining inspiration to streaming helps him, his family and others. He talks about his Podcast and how he wants to deliver his message to the world. Advice about streaming and how to carry yourself as a streamer is plentiful in this one! Join us and get inspired!

  • StreamerGenics Guest: Wick NBH Gaming


    StreamerGenics Guest: Wick NBH Gaming


    Tonight, I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with Wick NBH Gaming. He took us deep into discussions about not giving up hope when things seem bleak! He gave us insight into his streaming career and the aspirations he has for the future! Check out this podcast with a very inspirational individual!

  • StreamerGenics Guest: FlossGod


    StreamerGenics Guest: FlossGod


    PUBG Partner Streamer FlossG0d takes us into a deep revealing account of what it takes to be successful against numerous challenges. Whether it be a streaming platform or the day-to-day ability to remain consistent, Floss explains why he never loses his focus on what he loves.

  • StreamerGenics Guest: The Game Vacuum


    StreamerGenics Guest: The Game Vacuum


    This evening I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Seano and Dardy, The Game Vaccum. A duo stream team from Austrailia! Facebook Partners and Law Enforcment are just a few details waiting inside of this one! They lay it all out on what it is like to stay consistent, where they see their careers headed and what is in store for these two chaps! Join me on this podcast and meet two extrodinary individuals that is, The Game Vaccum.