di Susan Atieno

Welcome to Strategic Lenses podcast! Our content is Authentic , Practical and Personal! We all have on some sort of invisible lens that shapes our World View. What kind of lens do you have on?... At Strategic lenses, our Lenses are strategic!

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • You are an Amazing mother! And the category does not matter! Happy Mother's Day!

    You are an Amazing mother! And the category does not matter! Happy Mother's Day!

    11Happy Mothers day! No matter your motherhood journey you are doing an Amazing Job!! This mother's day through my lenses I have a special message to all mums! To the new mum, working mum, single mums( and dads), mothers in waiting and mothers who have gone ahead of us. Bottom line is all of us in our different levels of motherhood have some sort of challenge! Let us be kind to one another and extend some grace to another mum. We are all in the same hell facing different devils. This mother's day gift another mum, encourage another mum and if no one tells you, take it from me : you are doing an amazing job!! Happy Mother's Day!! Produced by Meg Creatives! #mothersday2023

  • What kind of seeds are you planting? We are all Gardners!

    What kind of seeds are you planting? We are all Gardners!

    "We are all Gardners, planting seeds of intention and watering them with attention, in every moment , everyday!" Cristen Rodgers This Episode, through my lenses explores the 3 conditions needed for a seed to grow... Water, Oxygen and proper temperature. I have also applied this to life conditions and how harnessing them can guide to bring a balance in life's situations. Listen in!Produced by Meg Creatives!

  • Privilege can be both a blessing and a curse!

    Privilege can be both a blessing and a curse!

    On this episode through my Lenses , I explore 3 privileges. Our parents, influence and positions we occupy! What privilege do you enjoy, And are You using it as a blessing or a curse? Listen InProduced by Meg kreatives#privilege #strategy #purpose #people #brands

  • This Easter, Please don't try so Hard! Rest.

    This Easter, Please don't try so Hard! Rest.

    Happy Easter! We are starting a new Quarter and what better way to start it than to celebrate Easter!! Through my lenses, am here to remind you ; 'Don't try so Hard! a song Inspired by Amy Grant. God Gives you grace you can't earn it, so don't think that you are not worth it, because you are, He gave you His love and he's not leaving gave you His son so you would believe it, You are lovely even with your scars, 'Don't try So Hard' This Easter, Rest, Surrender , lay your burdens at the foot of the Cross, leave them there, then look up and see Christ saying, It is finished! Allow yourself to rest with Him and rise up on the 3rd day, a conqurer, a new creature, with lots of hope, strengthed to face another quarter and Alive in Christ. On this episode, we are also introducing, Strategic Lenses Merchandise; Gratitide Jars & Shades! Please place your orders through the whatsapp number; +254 790 373 154 Produced by MegKreatives

  • 4 Tips on Answering the Question; 'Tell us about yourself'

    4 Tips on Answering the Question; 'Tell us about yourself'

    We all cringe at the question; Tell us about yourself. This week on Strategic Lenses, Through my lenses I will share tips on how to go about this question. As much as our roles and positions define us, that is just part of us and are not the core definition of who you are. When all these positions seize to exist, your core purpose/ interest, passions and Natural tendencies will define you! How have you answered this question in the past? I hope this episode brings value to you! And if so, download and share with a friend! Produced by MegKreatives Website: Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram: Strategic lenses Youtube: Strategic Lenses Channel