First, Do No Harm

di Soul Insight

Primum non nocere: first, do no harm. What if this principal was fully applied to the way we live our lives? What if we could question, discover, make mistakes and begin to see beyond the fabricated socially engineered lies that abound and control, to start living and creating ways that respect all people and life?

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 2

  • Story Time: $44 Billion For Free Speech, Digitization and Us

    Story Time: $44 Billion For Free Speech, Digitization and Us

    Can free speech be bought for $44 billion? And what about the costs of war? Some personal stories on digitization and some ideas to consider when navigating this upside down world.

  • Canadian Truckers, Social Engineering, Big Tech, Angels, Divinity and Us

    Canadian Truckers, Social Engineering, Big Tech, Angels, Divinity and Us

    Where are we now in 2022? Something big just happened in Ottawa yesterday... Music: Almusic34 - 432Hz tuned The Energy of Sound

  • Stagione 1

  • What the Ancients Knew, You Can Too

    What the Ancients Knew, You Can Too

    What the heck is going on on this planet? We'll explore the current patterns of mass population control/separation and some simple practices to ground, notice and work with the gifts of listening and being with nature.

  • Our Harmful Systems, Societal Indifference and Empowerment

    Our Harmful Systems, Societal Indifference and Empowerment

    Personal experiences in our broken educational and corporate systems mixed with invitations to step out of the insanity. Let's wake up together.

  • Mass Polarization, Projection and Sovereignty

    Mass Polarization, Projection and Sovereignty

    A January 2021 podcapsule in response to the U.S. “transition of power”. We explore broad concepts of polarization, projection and sovereignty; weaving through our current media, political, economic and medical systems.