sim-ple chat.

di Sim

Our host, Sim will be having conversational topics regarding health & fitness, or anything worth sharing, alongside people who have experience or knowledge in that particular topic.

Episodi del podcast

  • 5年不吃碳水!不該試的她都試過了!YY的瘦身之路 sim-ple chat. EP. 1

    5年不吃碳水!不該試的她都試過了!YY的瘦身之路 sim-ple chat. EP. 1

    YY分享她這十年的減脂經歷遇到的困難,以及過程中她學到了什麼! YY shares the struggles she faced 10-year fitness journey trying to loss weight, and what she has learnt from it! Instagram: YY: Sim: Timestamp: 0:00:10 - 開場 Introduction 0:00:30 - YY是誰?她被邀請的原因是?Who is YY? Why is she invited to this podcast? 0:02:50 - YY開始上健身房的原因是?Why did YY start going to the gym? 0:04:22 - “Toned”真正的定義是?What is the definition of “toned”? 0:05:34 - 傳統的分布為訓練 The traditional workout split 0:06:37 - 一開始的飲食是怎樣的?What was your diet like when you first started? 0:11:52 - 怎麼會開始完全不吃碳水?How did you get to not eating carbs at all? 0:16:40 - 5年不吃碳水/暴食/惡性循環 No carbs for 5 years / binge-eating / negative-loop 0:20:40 - 妳與食物的關係如何?會不會很焦慮?What was your relationship with food like? Were you stressed? 0:25:25 - 妳還試過什麼樣的減脂法?(液體飲食法/5-2斷食/纖維飲食法) What else have you tried in order to lose weight? (Liquid diet / 5-2 fasting / fibre supplements) Does it work? 0:29:20 - 為了知道效果,什麼都會嘗試,但是會嘗試多久才認定無效?有體驗過副作用嗎?Wanting to try everything to know whether it works, how long would you try till you know it doesn’t work? Side effects? 0:32:05 - 用減肥針來減脂,導致吐血 Using appetite suppressant injection to lose weight, vomited blood 0:40:25 - 為什麼會想要比健美?設置目標與動機 Why did you want to compete? Goal setting 0:43:10 - YY和SIM的備賽過程 YY’s prep with Sim 0:47:00 - 在這個備賽過程,妳改變了什麼? What has changed throughout this prep? 0:51:35 - 紀錄熱量與營養素的重要性 Importance of tracking macros/calories 0:53:02 - 妳現在對碳水的看法是? What do you think about carbs right now? 0:58:55 - 對於和你有相同目標的觀眾,你有什麼建議給大家嗎? What advice could you give to people who have similar goals/doubts as you? 1:01:16 - YY現在與未來的目標與計畫 YY’s current or future goals