#1 The truth about living in the happiest country in the world

Shots of Blondes di Laura and Martina

Note sull'episodio

#1 The truth about living in the happiest country in the world

In the first episode of our new podcast, we are going to focus on the real side of living and studying in the happiest country in the world, Denmark. We are going to cover topics that we have experienced and also our beginnings of starting a new life chapter of life abroad.

Do not forget to join us on Instagram to be updated about new episodes!

Instagram of our podcast: https://www.instagram.com/shotsofblondes/

Martina's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/martinaliui/

Laura's Instagram:

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Parole chiave
blondestalkpodcastlife experiencedenmarkstorynew beginningslife abroadstudent lifehappiest country in the world