The Sheepeople Dilemma: Unraveling Why Modern Men Are Followers

Sheep Get Sheared di Austin Creed

Note sull'episodio

In this thought-provoking episode of the Sheep Get Sheared Podcast, we delve into a profound observation made during my travels in the Balkans, specifically an encounter with a shepherd and his flock in Bosnia. This simple yet powerful scene of sheep following each other seamlessly across a road sparked a deeper exploration into human behavior—highlighting the uncomfortable truth that, like sheep, most men are inherently followers.

Throughout this episode, we unpack the reasons behind why men are often programmed to follow rather than lead. The reality is that few men are born leaders; most are conditioned to conform and comply, a trait deeply ingrained from our earliest societal structures where the few govern the many. We discuss how this follower mentality is reinforced by modern propaganda and societal norms that prefer compliance over  ... 

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