Play and Self-Directed Education - Interview with Peter Gray

Wie wäre es mit Selbstbestimmter Bildung? di Max Sauber

Note sull'episodio

I talked to Boston College research professor Peter Gray about Play and Self-Directed Education and what impact this has on society at large.Peter defined the term Self-Directed Education and his body of work is one of the main inspirations, and provides the framework, for this podcast.So it is a great honour for me to have Peter on as a guest for this episode.You can learn about his work and find some of his talks, books, and academic articles at check out his Substack Play Makes Us Human

Thanks for listening! You can also find the podcast on Facebook @SelbstbestimmtSichBilden,

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unschoolingself directed educationselbstbestimmte bildunghomeschoolingsdehome educationplayresearch