In 3-5 minutes, Pray this way.

SEE THE UNSEEN Podcast w/Melissa Georgeoff di Melissa Georgeoff

Note sull'episodio

If you've never prayed or you wonder how to speak to God, this podcast is for you. This morning, I talk about the 4 ways we can pray:

Adoration: Tell God how much you love him for who he is and how much you appreciate him.

Confess: Confess your sins/shortcomings; anything that is hindering you from getting close to him.

Thanksgiving: Take a moment to thank God for all the blessings he gives you in your life. (family, home, saving you, job, health, etc)

Supply: Ask God to supply your needs each day. (God help me with future meetings, family issues, bills, etc.) As you finish in prayer, tell God thank you and Amen.