Sabbath Reflections with Randy Skeete


Are you a Seventh-day Sabbath keeper seeking to spice up your Sabbath keeping experience and reaffirm your faith in Jesus, the Lord of the Sabath? Are you a Sunday worshiper sincerely searching God's Word to know which day God truly institued as the memorial of His creation? Are you strugling to understand the biblical teachings on the Seventh-day Sabbath as projected by the Ten Commandments? Then you've found the BEST PODCAST  ...   ...  Leggi dettagli

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 2

  • S2E10: God's Desire is to Elevate Your Life

    S2E10: God's Desire is to Elevate Your Life

    During the creation of humanity, God said "Let Us make man in our image" .In this statement, we see God's original desire for our lives-To elevate our lives into his divine likeness as much as possible. As you keep the Sabbath Holy today, remember that though we may be fallen in nature and sinful, God has not given up His original intent and desire for our lives. If only we we will co-operate with Him, He will continue to elevate every aspects of our lives beginning with our moral lives.

  • S2E9: Nothing Beyond God's Power!

    S2E9: Nothing Beyond God's Power!

    As humans we tend to worry about so many things. Interestingly most of the things we do worry about are beyond our power. Sabbath Keepers must always remember that God made all things in the Universe and it's His mighty hand that directs and sustains the universe. Instead of worry, why don't we commit everything into the hands of the Almighty, wholly trusting His transcendental power.

  • S2E8: Jesus: the Sun of Righteousness

    S2E8: Jesus: the Sun of Righteousness

    All living things are somewhat dependent on the Sun for life. Did you know that we are absolutely dependent on God as verily as the as the physical creation is depended on the Sun? Jesus is the Sun of righteousness and nothing that distances itself from Him continues to live on. Be blessed by this episode as you keep the Sabbath holy. Happy Sabbath.

  • S2E7: God Never Rest From Sustaining Us

    S2E7: God Never Rest From Sustaining Us

    Of course, God Created the heaven and the earth and everything in it in six days and rested on the seventh day. However Did you know that from the beginning of creation until now God has never rested? Yes! He has never rested from sustaining the things he created. God is constantly at work to keep the earth universe moving. Listen to this episode to learn more insights about how God upholds the universe without ever taking a rest and how that reveals his never failing love for you and I .Happy Sabbath.

  • s1E6: An Anti-Stress Health Therapy from Eden

    s1E6: An Anti-Stress Health Therapy from Eden

    Would you like to reduce your stress?Reduce your anxiety ?, possibly lower your blood pressure.? The Bible has a recommendation for you that is effective and time-tested. This episode will reveal to you a timeless Anti stress health therapy that is rooted in the Creation Story and the Sabbath Commandment.