Refer the Reefer - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Jeremy Silva from Build a Soil

Refer the Reefer with Host Lil Pharmer di Lil Pharmer

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Great Episode with Jeremy Silva who started Build a Soil here in Montrose, Colorado because he wanted the cleanest and best cannabis to consume. We chat for way over an hour but it felt like 20 minutes. We hit topics like why Jeremy prefers cannabis and how it enhances his life. Also the ins and outs of the Build a Soil products, what to use with them and the ethics behind their products.

We also discuss heavy metal content in ocean based fertilizers and the politics behind heavy metal testing in cannabis and finally light intensity with living soils and how you might not want to use 100% intensity from your lights all the time. Sometimes it is best to dim them down some and let the nutrients slowly feed your plant.