Real Walk Podcast

di Kiara Almeyda

it's not easy but it's real.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 2

  • Fear Is Not My Future

    Fear Is Not My Future

    Sometimes when things don't go our way we get frustrated. What happens when we understand that fear is not part of the plan God has for us?

  • Patience is a Product of Faith

    Patience is a Product of Faith

    Where does your faith stand when you are in seasons that your patience is being tested? What do you do in the waiting?

  • Faithful when Faithless

    Faithful when Faithless

    How do I remain faithful when everything around me is making me faithless?

  • Redirection is God's Protection

    Redirection is God's Protection

    Detours are so important in our walk with Jesus. Sometimes He needs to intervene so that He can redirect our steps!

  • The Story I'll Tell

    The Story I'll Tell

    Sharing my testimony on how God met me at my most broken point of my life. Dealing with suicidal tendencies, addiction, depression and abandonment. He met me where I was at and didn’t leave me there. I was known as the Pastors kid, serving in ministries, making people laugh & putting on the “leader front” while on the inside there were wounds that didn’t seem like they were even close to healing. This is my story of redemption and how God found me and rescued me.