• Rankable
  • 66. Using SEO Data the Right Way ...

66. Using SEO Data the Right Way ft Mordy Oberstein

Rankable di iPullRank

Note sull'episodio

On Ep. 66 of iPullRank's Rankable Podcast, Garrett Sussman hosts Mordy Oberstein, Head of Communications at Semrush, to discuss the topic of how SEO data can be used to inform your strategy effectively.

Mordy is the Head of Communications at Semrush. He also sits behind the mic as both the host of and a contributor to multiple SEO podcasts. He‘s also one of the organizers of #SEOchat on Twitter and a popular industry author writing for Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, etc.

There’s a ton of SEO data available these days.

Google provides API access to Google Search Console. Google’s Keyword Planner offers search volume. ... 

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