Podussy with Big Fat GorillaEsplicito

di Podussy

The meme account owner has something to say…. A podcast that gives you tips on various subjects in life such as sex, relationships and mental health. Join the podcast by sending in ur questions at podussy.com, they will be shared anonymously <3 Don't forget to add your pronouns and sexuality (if it's about relationship advice)! That helps me a lot I am not a profess ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • 14: My Journey as an Extreme Consumer: From MAC Lipsticks to Influencer Hauls

    14: My Journey as an Extreme Consumer: From MAC Lipsticks to Influencer Hauls

    In this episode Big Fat Gorilla will be discussing the topic of consumerism, especially in the beauty industry and how she has been in a constant cycle of getting influenced by (shocking) influencers). She shares her experiences on how the beauty industry profited of her as a young girl, and how she bought products solely based on the status that came with them. As an adult, she admits to still being influenced by influencers and shares her thoughts about it and how she now tries to break out of that cycle. If you wanna be involved with the podcast, please ask me a question through my website https://podussy.com or honestly just come visit cause it is really cool Please leave me a review if you liked it and follow me on my socials; https://www.instagram.com/podussywithbfg/ https://www.instagram.com/bigfatgorilla/ https://www.instagram.com/barbaravginkel/

  • 13: How To Know When It's Time To Dump Your Loser Boyfriend...

    13: How To Know When It's Time To Dump Your Loser Boyfriend...

    Okay back to regular scheduling! Let's talk about breaking up with a man... In this episode Big Fat Gorilla is discussing the early signs to leave your man/situationship and when to ACTUALLY leave your relationship! Do you see yourself with this man in 5 years? Are you too blinded by your own feelings and not looking at the facts? Does he actually meet your standards? These questions might be uncomfortable to anwser, but it's probably better than waisting your time... If you wanna be involved with the podcast, please ask me a question through my website https://podussy.com or honestly just come visit cause it is really cool Please leave me a review if you liked it and follow me on my socials; https://www.instagram.com/podussywithbfg/ https://www.instagram.com/bigfatgorilla/ https://www.instagram.com/barbaravginkel/

  • 12: Why Don't Men Care About Feminism As Much As I Do?

    12: Why Don't Men Care About Feminism As Much As I Do?

    In today's episode Big Fat Gorilla has returned from the grave and has blessed us with her thoughts and her thoughts only. Big Fat Gorilla sometimes struggles with the fact that men don't seem to understand a women's issue on the same level that she does. Do men just not get it? Is this a bad thing? Are men just not emotional intelligent? Does she just ask too much from men? The answer might surprise you! Sorry for being 5 months late btw lol. Shownotes: My favourite female youtube creators: https://www.youtube.com/@KhadijaMbowehttps:// www.youtube.com/@TeeNoirhttps:// www.youtube.com/@lipgloss7535https:// www.youtube.com/@gremlitahttps:// www.youtube.com/@monicagreatgal The Problem With ''Google is free'' Activism - Rowan Willishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbUwkCfT3vU If you wanna be involved with the podcast, please ask me a question through my website https://podussy.com or honestly just come visit cause it is really cool Please leave me a review if you liked it and follow me on my socials; https://www.instagram.com/podussywithbfg/ https://www.instagram.com/bigfatgorilla/ https://www.instagram.com/barbaravginkel/

  • 11: Surviving A Long Distance Relationship (E-Daters This Is For You)


    11: Surviving A Long Distance Relationship (E-Daters This Is For You)


    omfg long time no see y'all please forgive me! In this episode Big Fat Gorilla will discuss how she deals with her long distance relationship and discusses the pro's of it. Cause who doesn't want to date someone that is from another sexy country? Let's be honest though, long distance is hard work and it can get draining from time to time. Nothing sucks more than not being able to be with the person you love. Big Fat Gorilla thinks there always needs to be a light at the end of the tunnel (meaning one needs to move to the other) and discusses how to bring up this conversation. The tips she will give are honestly not that different from other relationship tips, so if you think ur relationship needs some spicing up, this is the one for you! Shownotes: BFG online questions favourites: 36 Questions Designed To Help You Fall In Love With Anyone https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/fsi1c4/36_questions_designed_to_help_you_fall_in_love/ We're Not Really Strangers Card Game (omfg this is so illegal but fuck it) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KLG6hXaIRGcS9-wz6vpKy8964tWiCniwcQgL7-wjmbA/edit The 5 Love Languages Test https://5lovelanguages.com/quizzes/love-language 16 Personalities Test https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test Dimension App https://www.dimensional.me/ BFG IRL Games favourites So Cards: A Collection of Questions for Deeper Discussions https://www.bol.com/nl/nl/p/so-cards-a-collection-of-questions-for-deeper-discussions/9200000101949368/?Referrer=ADVNLGOO002027&gclid=CjwKCAiA9qKbBhAzEiwAS4yeDdSMgL1hbvElIk-SI6wtVTfPbpKPV7j_T9UXcP83wPgFOoZgJkBcJhoCodwQAvD_BwE Online activities to do together: Watch Netflix Together https://www.teleparty.com/ Join An Online PubQuiz https://quiznight.nl/index.php/the-online-pubquiz/ NoteIt App (Send a drawing to your partners notescreen) https://apps.apple.com/nl/app/noteit-widget-get-it-now/id1570369625 If you wanna be involved with the podcast, please ask me a question through my website https://podussy.com or honestly just come visit cause it is really cool

  • 10: The Crab Basket Effect: Do Women Hold Each Other Back?

    10: The Crab Basket Effect: Do Women Hold Each Other Back?

    The short explanation for the crab basket effect would be: If i can't have it, then she can't have it either! In this episode Big Fat Gorilla discusses all sorts of circumstances where she has brought women down. Why is it so that when we see another women have something that we don't have, or secrelty maybe even want, we are tempted to bring them down for the most misogynistic reasonings? Are we as women secretly in competition with each other? From wearing ''too'' much make up, instagram filters, bikini pictures, sleeping with multiple people, finding a characteristic about another woman would objectively be ''better'' than hers or even being the hotter ex, Big Fat Gorilla will break down all sorts ways she has brought women down on the expense of not only herself, but the other woman too. What's your opinion? Do all women crab? Can you ever get rid of these conscious or sometimes unconscious thoughts? Shownotes: Books: Krabben, Daan Borrel en Milou Deelen https://www.bol.com/nl/nl/p/krabben/9200000125491836/ I’m glad my mom died, Jennette Mccurdy https://www.amazon.nl/Im-Glad-My-Mom-Died/dp/1982185821/ref=ascdf1982185821/?tag=nlshogostdsp-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=572451176330&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8123544260730302391&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9064512&hvtargid=pla-1530068095877&psc=1 Youtube: Lipglossssssssss Making fun of a woman’s looks is always more then just a joke (Jada and Will) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tUTM0D0Pb4 Please leave me a review if you liked it and follow me on my socials; https://www.instagram.com/podussywithbfg/ https://www.instagram.com/bigfatgorilla/ https://www.instagram.com/barbaravginkel/ If you wanna be involved with the podcast, please ask me a question through the google drive link down below or linked in my instagram bio :) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JXz1GT8svqR-57SdcXUcp8LHaOS5xJPdC7hcX_nbs/edit