Injustice and Persecution in the World Church/ Anghyfiawnder ac erledigaeth yn eglwys y byd

Podlediad Presbyteraidd/ Presbyterian Podcast di Gethin Russell-Jones

Note sull'episodio

In this episode, we focus on the world church, exploring Open Doors' recently published World Watch List of the planet's most oppressve nations. Jim Stewart, Open Doors' lead officer for Wales gives an overview of the report, focusing on the siutation facing Christians in Manipur, a state in north east India. The Presbyterian Church of Wales has deep links with Manipur and Mizoram, hosting a weekly online prayer meeting to remember the crisis engulfing many Christians in Manipur. We hear from a church leader who witnessed the violence that erupted during a peaceful march in May 2023. Sharon, a Manipuri woman now based in the UK, also voices her concern about the ongoing situation. We close with an epliogue from the Rev Aneurin Owen, who has close family connection to this part of India.

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eglwys bresbyteraidd cymru presbyterian church of walesmanipurpresbyterian church of indiacymruwalesOpen Doors