Chapter 8

Peaceful Parenting di Stefan Molyneux, MA

Note sull'episodio


0:00:00 Applying moral standards to peaceful parenting.

0:02:21 Reflecting on parental influence and taking responsibility.

0:05:09 Apologizing and standing up to bullies in and out of family.

0:07:28 Virtue as Hypocrisy and Enslavement

0:09:52 The Impact of Training and Bullying on Children's Respect

0:12:43 Parental Loss of Control: The Danger of Raging Parents

0:15:07 Parents' Contradictory Actions in Discipline

0:19:08 Blame and Responsibility in Children's Behavior

0:24:20 Emulating adults: Children understanding the power dynamics

0:26:06 Power dynamics and bullying: Punishing the weak, rewarding the strong

0:28:31 Powerlust and the modeling of parents: Punishing the helpless, rewarding the powerful

0:29:23 The Ethics of Peaceful Parenting and Morality

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