Pastor Dads

di Pastor Dads

3 good friends who happen to all be pastors AND dads. We discuss theological, political, psychological, and everything in between issues. We love Jesus, we love our families, and we love YOU!

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Being a Pastor Dad - Parenting

    Being a Pastor Dad - Parenting

    In this episode we discuss the nuances of being fathers (parents) while being Pastors. This episode is NOT just for pastors as we touch on many aspects of fatherhood and life!

  • Americanized Christianity

    Americanized Christianity

    In this episode we welcome our friend and guest Robert McClure as we discuss the current climate and culture of Christianity in America. We talk about the influence that American culture and nationalism has had on the Christian faith here. (Good or bad?) We tackle a lot of topics in this episode in relation to Christianity in America.

  • Infobesity, Stress, and Anxiety

    Infobesity, Stress, and Anxiety

    We discuss information overload and how it effects Gen Z up through Millennials, especially, We also discuss some other things loosely related to the topic.