Talk 78: Why Do the Demons Tremble When We Read the Lives of the Saints?

Orthodox Talks di Priestmonk Kosmas

Note sull'episodio

Veneration of the saints and reading their lives is essential to the Christian way of life. Yet Protestants reject these customs, and accuse the Orthodox Church of placing more emphasis on the saints than on the Holy Bible—a view encountered even among some Orthodox Christians. What these people fail to realize is that the lives of the saints are the key to understanding the Holy Bible and to progressing spiritually.

In this talk, Father Kosmas uses the teachings of saints and elders to explain that the demons fear the lives of the saints because they teach us how to fulfil the Lord’s commandments. He describes how the lives of saints enlighten and transform those who read them, and emphasises that our Orthodox saints would themselves read the lives of the saints that lived before them.

The following questions are also discussed: can  ... 

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spiritual strugglechristian teachingstheologydemons and angelsspiritual developmentst john of san francisco