
The Manipulation Game: How Toxic Takes Over

OH, For F💋CK Sake!! di Lennilyn Michaels

Note sull'episodio

I think we've all been there. I know I have numerous times. Whether it be because of the illusion of normalcy or the comfort of safety, toxic relationships always take so much out of us. They start small—little red flags we ignore because we’re invested or hopeful. It feels easier to rationalize the bad moments than to face the truth that this isn’t healthy. Over time, though, these small compromises pile up, and before we know it, we’ve lost a sense of who we are.

Toxic relationships thrive on control, manipulation, and emotional imbalance. They can make us question our worth, our sanity, and our strength. What’s worse is how subtly they creep into our lives. It’s easy to convince ourselves that it's just a rough patch or that things will change. But the reality is, toxic dynamics rarely improve without si ... 

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