Christopher Stone: Dynamic Parity, Arms Control, and Military Strategy

NucleCast di ANWA Deterrence Center

Note sull'episodio

In this episode of NucleCast, Adam and Chris Stone engage in a deep discussion about the concept of dynamic parity in nuclear deterrence. They explore the implications of parity versus superiority in military strategy, the challenges of arms control, and the political landscape affecting defense spending. The conversation highlights the need for modernization in the U.S. nuclear arsenal and the importance of understanding adversaries' capabilities and strategies.

Christopher Stone is a Senior Fellow for Space Deterrence Studies at the National Institute for Deterrence Studies and Host of Real Space Strategy podcast. He previously served as special assistant to the deputy assistant secretary of defense for space policy.


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arms controlspacenuclecastadam lowtherchris stonespace forcespace capabilityair and spacechristopher stone