Nerd Hours

di Nerd Hours

Follow hosts Dan and Alice as we explore the weird and wonderful. From technology to history, each episode delves into a new topic that's sure to fascinate! New episodes are released every Friday at 12pm PST (unless otherwise specified). Follow us on Twitter @nerdhourspod or email us at

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 2

  • Creation Story XVIII: Fulani

    Creation Story XVIII: Fulani

    Dan and Alice return to retelling creation stories, beginning with Africa. In this story, we discuss a cycle of creation and hubris. Find our sources @nerdhourspod.

  • Creation Stories: Halfway Discussion Part III

    Creation Stories: Halfway Discussion Part III

    Dan and Alice finish the discussion about Season 1 creation stories. In this part, we review the creation of humans, as well as more common trends in the creation stories that we’ve covered.

  • Creation Stories: Halfway Discussion Part II

    Creation Stories: Halfway Discussion Part II

    Dan and Alice continue the discussion about creation stories covered in Season 1. We discuss the themes of gods and pantheons, in addition to concepts like the often chaotic state of the universe in creation story prologues.

  • Creation Stories: Halfway Discussion Part I

    Creation Stories: Halfway Discussion Part I

    In the inaugural episode of Season 2, Dan and Alice discuss what they've noticed about the creation stories thus far. This episode dissects the four elements discussed in every creation story.

  • Stagione 1

  • Creation Story XVII: Inca

    Creation Story XVII: Inca

    In the last creation story of the season, Dan and Alice review a myth from the Incan empire. We learn about the main god and his many trials in creating humans. Find our sources on twitter @nerdhourspod.