Note sull'episodio

Do you trust God enough to give him back the thing he has given to you in faith that he will give it back to you when you need it? Often times we think that because it came from God he won't ask for it back. See sometimes God will ask for it back to see if you trust him like you say you do. Sometimes he will ask for it back because you are not stewarding well over it. & another reason he may ask for it back is because he has plans to give you that thing back but in another way. God promised Abraham and Sarah a baby, he fulfilled the promise, turned around and asked Abraham for it back. God tested Abrahams faith and God will test ours the very same way. We have to sit and ask ourselves if there is any area in our life that we might hesitate to give back to God if he asked for it back. When God asks for something back he never equals it out whe ... 

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