Note sull'episodio

We are already in the midst of a war, but it's not what you think. This conflict is spiritual, emotional, and political, tearing apart our world in unexpected ways. In this episode, we tackle the aftermath of the pandemic, which has left so many feeling trapped and enraged, fueling these unseen battles. We'll reveal how one can find true contentment and a richer life by understanding these issues through a spiritual lens. Furthermore, we critique how religious teachings have shifted towards self-centered messages and stress the necessity of true spiritual guidance to navigate these turbulent times.

Key Takeaways:

  • The world is already embroiled in a spiritual and emotional war exacerbated by the pandemic's aftereffects.
  • Genuine change and resolution of societal conflicts can only come from a  ... 
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faithlife trialsSteve Graymore faith more lifebiblical principleswarpoliticsuncertaintycultural warworld eventsAmericarevivalleadershipchurchif you only knewclueless generationchanging worldupheavaldarknessholy spiritevilGodsave the nationnews mediarevival in Americacompromised religionnational revivalJesus Christconsequencestrouble in the worldpush back evilturbulent timeschallenging timesspiritual renewalpreparednesspandemicpost-pandemic worldpolitical turmoil