Mom Burnout: Overcoming the Guilt + Overcommitment

Mom Life Handbook—Your Guide to Motherhood, Parenting, Personal Growth, Productivity + Mindfulness di Erin Christopoulos, M.S.Ed. | Teacher, Parenting Expert + Mom Strategist

Note sull'episodio

Description:In this episode, we're diving deep into a prevalent issue that's all too familiar to the modern moms—burnout. If you've ever felt overwhelmed, exhausted, or emotionally drained from the multitude of roles you juggle as a mother, then this episode is for you.One of the biggest contributors to mom burnout is the constant feeling of overcommitment. We've all been there - signing up for too many school events, agreeing to host yet another playdate, or simply trying to keep up with the relentless pace of modern life. This episode offers practical strategies to help you manage this overcommitment, allowing you to regain control over your time and energy. The beauty of this is that it empowers you to set your boundaries, meaning you get to choose what you commit to, based on what aligns with your values, not societal expecta ... 

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