MEDIUM Everyday - Guest Jamie Butler is 'the Everyday Medium'~!

Medium Curious di Sarah Rathke and Jane Morgan

Note sull'episodio

Jane nearly loses it fangirl style in the beginning of this episode with guest Jamie Butler who goes by the moniker ‘Everyday Medium’ - but is we think she is so much more! AND, Jane lets us in on a secret about her first encounter with Jamie 13 years ago - and how she's been a guiding light in Jane's journey.

In this super fun episode, Jamie Butler shares her journey from being a natural born medium as a child to embracing her abilities and becoming her true passion, a teacher. She breaks down why it is so important to normalize mediumship and intuitive abilities, and encourages people to trust their own experiences.

Are y’all familiar with trance channeling? Well, Jamie is one! She describes channeling and the different levels of connection with spirit. She explains that everyone has had a channeling moment, from simple conversa ... 

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spiritualitymediumshipwisdompersonal storyboundariesInspiration