Divine Abundancy, Acceleration and Alignments

Manifest His Presence with Candice Smithyman di Charisma Podcast Network

Note sull'episodio

We have crossed over Passover and now we’re entering into a season where the secrets of the kingdom of heaven are being made manifest. It’s time to bust through restrictions as Jesus death, burial, resurrection and ascension made a way for us to enter into the realms of the kingdom. In the kingdom is blessings beyond measure! Not measured by earthly standards but supernatural ones!

Ronans 14:17 reads, “For the kingdom of Godis not meat and drink; butrighteousness, and peace,and joy in the Holy Ghost.For he that in thesethings serveth Christ isacceptable to God, andapproved of men.” During this time the 7 Blessings are yours!

In this season the 7 Passover blessings are:

  1. God will assign an angel to His people (Ex. 23:20)
  2. God will be an enemy to the enemies of His people (v. 22)
  3. God will give p ... 
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