Note sull'episodio

A Gemini enigma and self proclaimed "Girl Boss 3000", Heather de Armas is making her way into the music industry on her own terms. A Florida native, Heather embodies the bubbliest of souls, but make no mistake, the now New York resident has learned the hustle mindset from an early age, starting two business' in 2022: Can't Be Bothered Co. Candles and HDA Management.

In this episode we dive into all the happy coincidences that have led her to manage 10 artists today through HDA Management. We touch upon mental health and how therapy and medication were a game changer in her growth; and how she builds and maintains relationships by being the glue in her friend groups, as if she didn't have enough on her plate already.

If you've never met a girl boss, here is the definition of one in living, breathing form.

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