Last Week in IT

di Pawel Piwosz

Last Week in IT is a weekly podcast, short enough to be listen during the daily grocery visit.

What is new, exciting in IT world? What happened recently? Let's talk and share our unique view on the most interesting topics in the industry. But we do not explain tools, languages or technologies. Our voice is different.

Together with Jakub Siwiecki and Jan M ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 2

  • Is It A Good Time To Change Your Career?

    Is It A Good Time To Change Your Career?

    In this episode Kuba joined Jan and Pawel and together we discuss the pros and cons of changing the career right now. We all know that IT world is not so good at this moment so, what to do if you really want to go to IT?

  • New Year, New Season! We Are Back!

    New Year, New Season! We Are Back!

    Do you remember us? Yes, we are back! In this season Jakub has many other activities and he will join us when he will have time, so, most episodes will be covered by Jan and Pawel. In this episode we joke about our "short" break, we talk about "Women in IT" mentoring program, and Pawel has to mention OpenTofu!

  • Stagione 1

  • Trust Me! I Am An IT Manager!

    Trust Me! I Am An IT Manager!

    Why people leave companies? What is the role of manager in this move?Before we answer (or not) to these questions, we discuss what makes a good manager. And if we had one.We have a short break after this episode. We go to vacations :) We will come back in September! Stay tuned!

  • Are We Spoiled? And We Talk About Football!

    Are We Spoiled? And We Talk About Football!

    Are people in IT spoiled? And what it really means? Maybe we, as human kind, are spoiled?Why we talk about football players and Lewandowski?Find out in this episode!

  • Huston, We Have Problem! Everyone Is A Programmer!

    Huston, We Have Problem! Everyone Is A Programmer!

    Is the ability to write programs something what is common? Something what needs to be to be a must have for everyone? Everywhere? Or maybe not?Let's find out!In this episode we discuss, how the landscape of programmers is changing, and where it might go in the future.