Kōrero EAG, S1, E41 - Raquelle de Vine 

Kōrero EAG - Start Local, Go Global di Malia M. Hoffmann, Ed.D. & Alfred Y. Ramirez, Ph.D.

Note sull'episodio

Lover and friend of the ocean from an early age Raquelle set her heart on pursuing the conservation of the oceans and in particular protecting them from the plague of plastic pollution. From reading scientific papers late into the night and dreaming of working at sea she now has over 18,000 nautical miles of blue water sailing aboard the Oceanographic Research Vessel Alguita. On board she is First Mate and vessel coordinator second in charge to Captain Charles Moore, the discoverer of “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch”, back on shore at home, she has recently established a South Pacific Chapter of Algalita Marine Research & Education, Algalita South Pacific and works as the Program Director.

With a background in environmental education and voyages into both the North and South Pacific Gyres, seeing the perils of plastic pollution first hand  ... 

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Parole chiave
Marine Plastics