Episodi del podcast

  • Divided Kingdom|Pastor Dave|"Winning the battle but losing the war" Wk2

    Divided Kingdom|Pastor Dave|"Winning the battle but losing the war" Wk2

    The divided kingdom is such an important part of Israel’s history that affects more of the biblical narrative than most people realize. In fact, 20 of 39 OT books find their genesis in this story. A kingdom divided will speak volumes to a present-day believer. Studying the story will not only speak to our hearts but challenge our lives. Our summer series will dive into Israel’s rich history and a series recall, “The Divided Kingdom.”

  • Tighten the Knot|TPastor Dave|"Anti-Fragility" Wk5

    Tighten the Knot|TPastor Dave|"Anti-Fragility" Wk5

    Have you “tied the knot”? The meaning of the phrase is to get married to someone or the performance of a marriage ceremony. In the folklore of many cultures around the world, knots make an appearance as a symbol of unity. And while this phrase could stem from a symbolic knot, physical knots have actually been used in marriage ceremonies. The wedding tradition is called handfasting. It is an ancient Celtic practice that bands couples together with a piece of cloth tied around their hands. So if you are getting married, it would be said you are “tying the knot.” But if you are already married, our challenge to you is to fortify your marriage by “tightening the knot.” June is the time of our annual marriage series, and our focus is not only to embrace the sacred vows we made on our wedding day, but to determine to accept them as a continual challenge to grow and strengthen our marriages. Invite family. Invite friends. Together, we’ll move toward more marital health, as we “Tighten the Knot.”

  • Tighten the Knot|Pastor Dave|"The Foundation of Forgiveness" Wk3

    Tighten the Knot|Pastor Dave|"The Foundation of Forgiveness" Wk3

    Have you “tied the knot”? The meaning of the phrase is to get married to someone or the performance of a marriage ceremony. In the folklore of many cultures around the world, knots make an appearance as a symbol of unity. And while this phrase could stem from a symbolic knot, physical knots have actually been used in marriage ceremonies. The wedding tradition is called handfasting. It is an ancient Celtic practice that bands couples together with a piece of cloth tied around their hands. So if you are getting married, it would be said you are “tying the knot.” But if you are already married, our challenge to you is to fortify your marriage by “tightening the knot.” June is the time of our annual marriage series, and our focus is not only to embrace the sacred vows we made on our wedding day, but to determine to accept them as a continual challenge to grow and strengthen our marriages. Invite family. Invite friends. Together, we’ll move toward more marital health, as we “Tighten the Knot.”

  • Tighten the Knot|Pastor Dave|"Clear Communication" Wk2

    Tighten the Knot|Pastor Dave|"Clear Communication" Wk2

    Have you “tied the knot”? The meaning of the phrase is to get married to someone or the performance of a marriage ceremony. In the folklore of many cultures around the world, knots make an appearance as a symbol of unity. And while this phrase could stem from a symbolic knot, physical knots have actually been used in marriage ceremonies. The wedding tradition is called handfasting. It is an ancient Celtic practice that bands couples together with a piece of cloth tied around their hands. So if you are getting married, it would be said you are “tying the knot.” But if you are already married, our challenge to you is to fortify your marriage by “tightening the knot.” June is the time of our annual marriage series, and our focus is not only to embrace the sacred vows we made on our wedding day, but to determine to accept them as a continual challenge to grow and strengthen our marriages. Invite family. Invite friends. Together, we’ll move toward more marital health, as we “Tighten the Knot.”

  • Tighten the Knot|Pastor Dave|"Single and Satisfied" Wk1

    Tighten the Knot|Pastor Dave|"Single and Satisfied" Wk1

    Have you “tied the knot”? The meaning of the phrase is to get married to someone or the performance of a marriage ceremony. In the folklore of many cultures around the world, knots make an appearance as a symbol of unity. And while this phrase could stem from a symbolic knot, physical knots have actually been used in marriage ceremonies. The wedding tradition is called handfasting. It is an ancient Celtic practice that bands couples together with a piece of cloth tied around their hands. So if you are getting married, it would be said you are “tying the knot.” But if you are already married, our challenge to you is to fortify your marriage by “tightening the knot.” June is the time of our annual marriage series, and our focus is not only to embrace the sacred vows we made on our wedding day, but to determine to accept them as a continual challenge to grow and strengthen our marriages. Invite family. Invite friends. Together, we’ll move toward more marital health, as we “Tighten the Knot.”