The Story of (Your) Life // The Story of Justice & Grace

Keystone Church | Paradise Sermons di Keystone Church | Paradise Sermons

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Kyle Kauffman | June 18 2023 God judges sin. This can leave us surprised and shocked. It’s hard for us to read stories like the flood in Genesis without walking away surprised by how seriously God takes sin. Yet if we want to recognize how great God’s mercy is in saving us, we must also come to grips with how great our sin is and the judgment we rightfully deserve. The story of the flood is a story that tells us God acts both with judgment and with mercy. He judges sin and yet shows favor on Noah and makes a way for Noah through the judgment of his sin. This story points us to the cross as the ultimate place where God acts with both judgment and mercy and provides a way for his people to pass through his judgment safely. Now we who have received mercy are called to be people who carry God’s message of mercy to others.