JoBro Radio

di JoBro

In this cozy corner of the internet, we share our interests, passions, and grievances about nerd culture, as well as some of our favorite unhinged comedic stories and other fun side notes!

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 4

  • Chip Tier List

    Chip Tier List

    The Jobros tier popular and well loved and hated chips, and create the "wtf" branch of most bizarre chip types.

  • Would You Rather

    Would You Rather

    Ladies and gentlemen, join as the JoBros answer the difficult questions, the true questions of life in... Would You Rather.

  • The Disappointment that is Blizzard

    The Disappointment that is Blizzard

    The blood boils, tensions rise… the Jobros succumb to cooperate stupidity and rage

  • Comic Books and Whatnot

    Comic Books and Whatnot

    Hellboy, marvel, and beyond to good and bad moments, join in as the Jobros discuss comic books

  • R/AmITheA-Hole


    The Jobros once again dive into reddit for funny stories and this time they judge other people to see if they are in fact A-Holes.