Note sull'episodio

What if a friend or a partner asked you to do an adventure into the unknown with them? I believe we’ve all told ourselves we’d follow that person we admire, long for or even someone we love, to the edge of the earth and back but sometimes we just say those things to trick ourselves into the dedication we want to have with them. Well that’s not what Kyrie and Michaela were going to settle with. In fact, it may not have been to the edge of the so-called “earth” but instead from edge to edge of the United States starting on the border of Arizona and ending in Canada was their goal to do just that… and did I mention they were doing it all on bikes!?

On this episode we unite to recap the trials and tribulations of not only the harrowing 2,500 miles spent peddling bikes through the CDT’s version of this cycling feat but doing it under the umbrell ... 

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