Kick the Feeling of not being GOOD Enough

The Good Enough Teacher Podcast | Life Coach Amber Lynn di Life Coach Amber Grauer| M.A. ED.

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Kick the Feeling of Never Feeling Good Enough

Do you never feel good enough? Are you constantly beating yourself up over things you “should do”? Are you always comparing yourself to other teachers? Do you feel like you can’t get “IT ALL DONE” ? Then this episode is for you.

I have been there! I remember at the beginning of my career up until three years ago that I never felt good enough. I felt like I was always trying to prove my worth, my value as a Teacher (which I eventually realized was because I was trying to prove my worth as a human too). How do you earn your worth or your value? Well society has taught us that our value is in production, it's in our grades, it's in quote “how well we do”. So how do we know how well we are doing- we mentally create all these expectations of what it means to be “good enough”.

So these men ... 

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feeling good enoughteacherself confidenceoverwhelm