How to manage feeling overwhelmed

The Good Enough Teacher Podcast | Life Coach Amber Lynn di Life Coach Amber Grauer| M.A. ED.

Note sull'episodio

If you are feeling overwhelmed because you don’t feel like you are good enough, that is an inside job. You have to work on your thoughts surrounding you, you have to clean up those thought errors. Your brain is keeping you in a cycle it is used to, so you have to break the cycle and when your brain offers you thoughts around your worth, around you not doing enough, stop it. Talk back to it, look for evidence that you are adequate, that you are doing enough.

I would recommend that you do what we call a thought download, that's when you write down all of your thoughts unfiltered. Just for three to five minutes. Look at your thoughts surrounding what you are expecting yourself to do as a teacher, what you think a good teacher does and doesn’t do, and ask yourself are these thoughts serving me.

If you are feeling overwhelmed because of y ... 

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