di Keiragan Wall

Help More People podcast! Just a girl in her 20’s trying to share the conversations that she has in life that change her look on life. In honor of Henry Michael Plichta.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Showing Up

    Showing Up

    You don't need to show up perfectly or comfortable just keep going and just show up as you are. YOU ARE ENOUGH!

  • What is my purpose?

    What is my purpose?

    Talking about what our purpose is. Just live... embrace the uncomfortable. Learn to love change and just live in the moment. I believe in you and you're loved and appreciated.

  • All feelings are valid

    All feelings are valid

    Welcome to the roller coaster this episode is just me sort of talking about what's in my brain in the moment.

  • Love


    You're worthy of love stop accepting any less.

  • Start a new five

    Start a new five

    Prioritize your self and rest. Dont let things hold you back start a new five change the path of your day!