Heart To Heart With New Parents

di Dr. Seyma Robb and Romane Orlando Robb

Dr. Seyma Robb and Romane Orlando Robb are first-time parents to an amazing baby girl, Amelia Zoe Sarah Robb. This is their audio and video journal of the ups and downs of what it's like venturing into parenthood.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Heart To Heart With New Parents S1Ep3 - In Sickness And In Health

    Heart To Heart With New Parents S1Ep3 - In Sickness And In Health

    In the third episode, Seyma and Romane discuss supporting each other during their pregnancy. Tune in and subscribe via your favorite podcast app. Thank you! The Robb Family's Instagram Page The Robb Family's YouTube Page The Robb Family's Official Website Robb Radio Network

  • Heart To Heart with New Parents S1Ep2 - Breaking News!

    Heart To Heart with New Parents S1Ep2 - Breaking News!

    In the second episode, Seyma and Romane discuss what it was like breaking the news of their pregnancy and much more. Tune in and subscribe via your favorite podcast app. Thank you! The Robb Family's Instagram Page The Robb Family's YouTube Page The Robb Family's Official Website Robb Radio Network

  • Heart To Heart with New Parents S1Ep1 - Making Babies, Rolling The Dice

    Heart To Heart with New Parents S1Ep1 - Making Babies, Rolling The Dice

    In this first episode, Seyma and Romane dives into some very important questions. Questions like: How did we decide to have a baby? How did we prepare to be pregnant? What are some things we had to give up? And many more. Tune in and subscribe via your favorite podcast app. Thank you! The Robb Family's Instagram Page The Robb Family's YouTube Page The Robb Family's Official Website Robb Radio Network