Ep. 2: STRESS.. is insidiously robbing you of your health, and how building resilience is the answer. | Health Is Hard Podcast

Health is Hard di Dr. Matt Eichler

Note sull'episodio

Ep. 2: STRESS.. is insidiously robbing you of your health, and how building resilience is the answer. | Health Is Hard Podcast

In this episode, Dr. Matt takes a deep dive into the pervasive issue of stress and its impact on our health. He explores the various forms of stress - physical, chemical, and emotional - and how they contribute to the development of chronic diseases. Drawing insights from renowned researchers like Hans Selye and Robert Sapolsky... Dr. Matt explains the intricate workings of the autonomic nervous system and how chronic stress can lead to a state of exhaustion, burnout, and dis-ease.

Throughout the episode, Dr. Matt shares eye-opening statistics on the prevalence of chronic diseases in the United States, highlighting the urgent need for a proactive approach to health. He discusses the detrimental effects of obe ... 

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Parole chiave
HealthFitnessChiropractorDoctorInjuryStressResilienceChronic diseaseStress management