Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 2

  • Self Love is that you?


    Self Love is that you?


    Yes, your homegirls banter on the L-word yup love, is it conditional or unconditional well let you decide.

  • In Sickness & Validation


    In Sickness & Validation


    Your two fave homegirls are chatting on the big C this week. Yup codependency let's get real and clear on it with the nonstop banter on navigating through it all.

  • Its The Transition For Me


    Its The Transition For Me


    Your favorite homegirls are back for good in Season 2 with plenty of banter and growth. In the first episode of 2021 Pre and Vicky talk Covid and transitions within the last year. Listen as they share their biggest takeaways from 2020.

  • Stagione 1

  • Its The Pandemic For Me

    Its The Pandemic For Me

    Its been a while but realigning is necessary for this climate. Here is the final episode of Season 1, life is happening so pardon the delay.

  • Back To What Future?

    Back To What Future?

    Another week of uncertainty during quarantine, with homegirl chats about the wins and losses during Covid-19.