The G2 on 5G Podcast - Episode 70 - October 8th, 2021

The G2 on 5G Podcast by Moor Insights & Strategy di Anshel Sag and Will Townsend

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The G2 on 5G Podcast - Episode 70 - October 8th, 2021

In this episode of The G2 on 5G, Anshel and Will Cover:

1. Ericsson and Nokia miss out on China Mobile 5G tender - is it surprising?

2. Movandi 5G mmWave Repeaters Hit 2.7 Gbps in a moving vehicle demonstration while also successfully streaming HD video over Blue Jeans, Zoom and Webex.

3. Ericsson announces POC use of lasers with PowerLight to wireless power 5G base stations - gimmick or game changer?

4. Dish details 5G network, calls Ericsson and Nokia Scandinavian Mafia

5. Google to invest $1B in Africa over the next five years - can it help bridge the continent’s digital divide and will 5G play a role?

6. 3.45 GHz Auction Kicks Off, already to a big start.