
Death and Fitness

Fitness in Philosophy di James Fitzgerald and Robby Gustin

Note sull'episodio

How should the fact that we all die at some point inform our fitness journey? That is the central question of this episode.

There's almost a paradox when think of fitness and it's relation to death

On the one hand, ·for many who engage in health and fitness activities it involves a deep acknowledgement of the fundamental reality of the inevitability of death.

And yet, on the other hand, ·engaging in health and fitness activities ultimately involves trying to resist or delay death by any natural means possible.

In this episode, James and Robby discuss the following questions:

Is it wrong, problematic, irrational for us to engage in physical activities that actively work against longevity/sustainability and/or bring us closer to death sooner? (e.g., olympic lifting, powerlifting, etc.)

How should the fact we all  ... 

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