Episode #1: My Unsolvable Dilemma as a protestant

Eternal Christendom Podcast di Joshua Charles

Note sull'episodio

IN THIS FIRST EPISODE of the Eternal Christendom podcast—the first of our Five Masterpieces—our founder Joshua Charles recounts one of the biggest dilemmas he had as a protestant by reflecting on Christ’s words: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

He wanted to love Jesus, and thus obey His commandments. But many people around him frequently had different opinions on just what those commandments were. Often, their opinions were the exact opposites of one another.

To make matters worse, the prominent teachers (both historical and contemporary) and mentors he consulted were often virtuous, well-educated, and acting in good faith.

So his dilemma became: how do I know what Christ actually commanded? How do I know what is true beyond mere opinion?

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