
Women's Day Special: Your Pelvic Floor Throughout Your Lifespan

Private Talk with Dr. Lea di Dr. Lea Feghali PT, MPEd, DPT

Note sull'episodio

Join us for a special Women's Day podcast where we discuss the less-talked-about changes that women undergo, from period pain to pregnancy, postpartum recovery, and menopause. This private conversation with me, Dr. Lea, offers insights into pelvic floor health throughout a woman's lifespan.

This podcast is brought to you by Comin Insurance, your digital platform for quick, affordable, and wide-ranging insurance coverage. As a special treat for Comin Insurance members, there's a discount on all of my programs. Let's prioritize preventative health together!

انضموا إلينا في بودكاست خاص بيوم المرأة حيث نناقش التغيرات الأقل حديثًا التي تمر بها النساء، من ألم الدورة الشهرية إلى الحمل، والتعافي بعد الولادة، وسن اليأس. هذه المحادثة الخاصة معي، الدكتورة ليا، تقدم رؤى حول صحة العضلات الأرضية طوال حياة المرأة. يتم تقديم هذا ... 

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pelvic healthpelvic floor therapysexualitywomenwomenshealth